ELiSANA is a non-profit sector group of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic). Our association was created in 2004 with the mission to become the trusted partner on health, safety and environmental information related to antioxidants and light stabilisers.

Our vision

To be the point of reference for the safe and sustainable use of antioxidants and light stabilisers, enabling science-informed, proportionate and enforceable decision-making for stakeholders and regulators alike.

Latest publication

Comments on “Annex XV – Identification of UV-326 and UV-329 as SVHCs”
10 Oct 2023

Comments on “Annex XV – Identification of UV-326 and UV-329 as SVHCs”

The members of ELiSANA are pleased to provide scientific comments on the annex XV SVHC proposal for UV-326 and UV-329....
Feedback to Draft Commission Implementing Decision re. to the European Drinking Water Directive (EU) 2020/2184
13 Nov 2023

Feedback to Draft Commission Implementing Decision re. to the European Drinking Water Directive (EU) 2020/2184

The members of ELiSANA are pleased to provide feedback to the European Commission regarding the recent Draft Commission Implementing Decision related to the European Drinking Water Directive (EU...
Our views on the German CA proposal to identify phenolic benzotriazole UV-329 as SVHC due to vPvB properties
30 Aug 2023

Our views on the German CA proposal to identify phenolic benzotriazole UV-329 as SVHC due to vPvB properties

ELiSANA supports the European Authorities’ intention to ensure the highest levels of safety for human health and the environment. ELiSANA welcomes constructive cooperation with regulatory auth...
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In focus

Antioxidants and UV light stabilisers are organic additives that enhance the performance, safety and durability of finished products. They are indispensable to everyday items like cars and building materials – which need to retain performance and safety over many years whilst withstanding the wear and tear that comes with exposure to high temperatures, direct sunlight, wind and rain.

Both antioxidants and UV light stabilisers are used in the manufacturing of plastic and rubber components such as car tyres and windscreen wipers so that they do not discolour or become brittle and break. Antioxidants are also added to fuels and lubricating oils to enable safe storage and smooth engine performance – increasing both the safety and the life span of the engine whilst reducing the frequency of drainage.